Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Starring roles


Gumball sits under a tree in the park, looking at a book of math equations and eating a piece of bread. He looks up to find an ant picking up crumbs from the plate. Upon realizing that Gumball sees him, the ant sheepishly replaces the bread crumbs. Despite this, he gets eaten by Gumbal who then decides to take a nap.

Inside Gumball's stomach, the ant lights a match and looks around. He fires off a flare gun, lighting up Gumball's chest and alerting the mother ant where he is. Gumball wakes up in horror to find himself nailed to the tree with the three ants he didn't eat standing around him. They use a small battering ram to break Gumball's teeth and, tying a rope around his uvula, climb down his throat. They rescue the ant Gumball ate and the four ants begin climbing back up the rope.

Unfortunately, Gumball's uvula breaks off, causing Gumball to scream in pain, so as a back up plan, the ants tie Gumball's arteries shut. Blood starts building up in Gumball's heart, causing his chest to expand and burst. A yellow, inflatable slide exits Gumball's chest and the ants happily slide out of Gumball's dead body, then the episode irises out.


"Follow your heart!"


  1. Gumball's chest expands and bursts when the ants tie his arteries closed, preventing blood from leaving his heart.
  2. The son ant gets crushed by Gumball's heart, since there were four and the end only shows three escaping (debatable, as it could have escaped later).


  1. Gumball gets nailed down to a tree by the ants.
  2. The ants jack up Gumball's teeth by smashing them with a battering ram.
  3. Gumball's uvula rips off from the ants' weight.
  4. Gumball's uvula crushes the sister ant.