Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki
Cinnamons New SK

Cinnamon glider.

Cinnamons is a fan character.

Character Bio[]

Cinnamons is a pumpkin brownish orange sugar glider with freckles, a lazy eye, and two cinnamon sticks behind one of his ears. He loves to eat cinnamon, hence his name. He has to have almost everything with cinnamon such as ice cream, cake, pie, and other dessert stuff. He'll even eat cinnamon with non-dessert food, such as vegetables, fruit, meat, etc.

He is a very active and hyper tree friend who rarely sleeps or relaxes, mostly due to him eating sweets almost all of the time, he is almost always seen jumping, running around, and gliding towards places. He is often unaware of the dangers around him so sometimes he will crash into certain areas without knowing, causing deaths to him and others.

Cinnamons also hates sharing what he eats. He'll try and "torture" a tree friend in a sadistic manner if they dare to take what he is eating. However, he isn't the brightest and very rarely does actual harm to whoever he is targeting. Whenever he does cause real harm to his targets it's normally not intentional. He usually gets himself killed or at the very least injured during these attempts.


  • He is friends with Cream, as they share similar traits.
    • Cream can also help out whenever someone annoys Cinnamons.
  • He is considered a Nutty-sue because of his addiction to cinnamon.
  • He was given a brownish color because of his addiction to cinnamon.
  • He was redesigned by his current owner, ShiftyKleptomaniac. He was given a lazy eye to reference his similarity to Nutty, and his markings and tail were changed to better resemble Jack. He also has freckles and two cinnamon sticks behind his ears.







