Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Gone in Character is an episode of HTFF.


Drama's committed to playing a role even to the point of jumping off a building.






Binky passes by a studio and stops to see a poster, saying that a movie about Splendid is in the works. Lumpy, the director, is holding auditions for roles and Binky excitedly gets in line in front of Kibble, to his dismay. Lumpy gets word that Splendid is unable to show up, because he is sleeping in. Lumpy asks if anybody wants the lead role, causing the whole line to raise their hands at once. Drama gets in line and Lumpy automatically gives her the part.

Drama focuses by reading various Splendid comics, acting like him, and even trying to mimic his voice. She wears Binky's mask for extra effort. Lumpy soon begins the first scene. Sniffles and Toothy, acting as burglars, are about to mug Fanny, dressed like in an old lady. Drama arrives to stop the crooks, and is so focused on her role that she thinks she is actually Splendid. She tries to shoot laser beams from her eyes, using so much force that her eyes pop out of her sockets. Toothy and Sniffles get knocked out when the eyes hit them, so Lumpy calls it a perfect scene.

Before starting the next scene, Drama pushes her eyes back into her sockets. Now a boulder drops over Binky, who oddly plays as a damsel in distress. Drama tries to hold up the boulder with her non-existent super strength. Lumpy realizes he used an actual boulder instead of a paper-mache one. He yells cut, causing an exhausted Drama to drop the boulder on Binky, crushing him.

Squabbles is called to push the paper-mache boulder into the room. However, it catches fire from a candle and gets Squabbles' hands burnt. He accidentally stumbles out a window and Drama decides to go for a real rescue. She jumps out and catches the helpless victim. Then she tries to fly but realizes she isn't a flying squirrel. As a result, they both splatter on the concrete.

It turns out Lumpy filmed the whole thing. The mask lands over Kibble's face and Lumpy mistakes him for Drama. Kibble is then cast in the next scene, where he must defuse a bomb strapped to Fanny. When Lumpy cuts the scene following the horrible accident, the real Splendid himself finally arrives. Lumpy gives him the honour of cleaning up the mess.


"Act nicely."


  1. Binky is crushed by a boulder.
  2. Squabbles and Drama splatter.
  3. Kibble and Fanny are blown up.


  1. Drama's eyes pop out of her socket.
  2. Toothy and Sniffles are knocked out by Drama's eyes.


  • Splendid was originally a featuring character. Also Devious was once planned to appear.
  • This is the first time Binky is seen without his mask.