Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Insanity and Loka are HTFF characters. 



Insanity is a brown beagle with a white muzzle, sharp teeth, black tail with white mark, dark circles under his eyes, and dotted pupils similar to Lifty and Shifty's. He always wears a straitjacket.

Loka is a grey wombat who always wears blue glasses and a police uniform. Both have a chain collar around their necks.


Insanity is violent, aggressive, and vicious. He is also crazy. He loves the smell and taste of flesh, and always kills and hurts other tree friends. He always takes Loka around wherever he goes. His jaws are really strong and can even break through metal.

Loka is a nerdy but friendly police officer. He dosen't like arresting people but instead, he helps them cross the street and give them parking tickets. He always dislikes Insanity because he hurts other people and wishes he was seperated. He usually tries to break the chains that are on the collar, almost always failing.






  • They were one of HowlLuna2016's (now HowlcanrocandLunala) display characters until he decided to give them away.
  • Insanity is the third beagle after Snowflake and Abby and Loka is the fourth wombat after HairyBurnett and Væloğə.
  • Loka owns a bike instead of a police car.
  • Insanity's tail was originally all black while Loka had black glasses and pink ears. They are one of the few characters who changed very little from their appearance.
  • They are MrsMewgirl24's first adopted characters along with Coffee the Tenrec.
  • Loka tends to die a lot while Insanity survives a lot.
  • Originally, they had a rope around their neck, but it was replaced by chain collars.

