Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Liftelle and Shiftette run out of a barn, carrying a cow, while Wooly chases and shouts after them. The thieving sisters toss the cow into a hot air balloon and fly away with their prize. Wooly grabs onto the rope hanging down from the balloon, only to get dragged across the ground. His clothes are torn off, his stomach gets scraped, and he is dragged through the circular opening of the pivot the balloon was tied to. This tears the skin off of the upper half of Wooly's body and compresses the size of his body, killing him.

Liftelle and Shiftette laugh at Wooly, but then turn to find that the balloon is headed straight for a power line. A bird lands on the power line and is instantly vaporized, leading Liftelle and Shiftette to lighten the load of the balloon. They begin by throwing multiple heavy objects out of the balloon. Still on a direct course for the power line, Liftelle begins milking the cow while Shiftette pours the milk out of the balloon.

Eventually the cow is out of milk, but they are still headed for the power line. Liftelle shrugs, unsure of what to do, but Shiftette has a plan to clear the power line. Shiftette cold heartedly throws Liftelle out of the balloon, where she is gruesomely impaled on a pine tree.

The balloon makes it over the power line, and Shiftette begins jumping up and down in celebration. The basket she's jumping on breaks, however, causing Shiftette to grab onto the cow's udders for dear life. Shiftette sees that the balloon is headed for a fast-moving windmill, and because she is hanging below the basket, Shiftette begins getting cut by the blades.

Her intestines get caught on one of the blades, and her spinal cord is torn by her refusal to let go of the cow. Shifette is spun around the windmill several times before she finally stops, dead. The cow gets out of the balloon, which lands nearby, and begins eating some grass. Before the episode ends, the cow's udders swell up.
