Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Quill Kringle is a HTFF Kringle.




Grass is seen walking through the snow, thinking about what tree she wants to cut down. Meanwhile, Daydream is walking by her, thinking about the same thing. Daydream sees Grass, and imagines her as a christmas tree. He takes out his axe and slices Grass’ feet, and drags her by the quills to his house. A terrified Grass begins to pass out.

Grass wakes up hours later, realizing that she has been tied to a post with christmas ornaments dangling on her quills. Daydream comes into the room with a star shaped decoration and attempts to put it on the “tree”, which only ends up slicing Grass’ head off with the decoration. He puts the decoration on her neck, looking in awe.

Ending Tag[]

"Your a star that'll shine my life up!"


  1. Grass is decapitated by a star shaped decoration.

