Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Tel-us-cope About it is a HTFF episode.

You can't tell, but Russell's mad too.





Scoopy spots a note, apparently by Pranky, telling her to take look through her telescope. She sees "Gotcha!" written on the lens. Realizing this was a prank, Scoopy also realizes there is now a mark around her eye.

Later, Pranky tells Celeste there is a star named after her. Celeste excitedly looks for it in the night sky, only to discover her eye has been glued to the telescope, and she ends up pulling it out. This causes her to miss a comet that comes around only once in a thousand years.

The same prank happens to Russell as he does look-out duty on his ship. He spots Pranky laughing at him, then discovers too late that his only eye is now stuck to his telescope. He faces toward a lighthouse and ends up being blinded both ways. His ship crashes into some rocks and Pranky walks off whistling.

Eventually, the three prank victims gather to talk about Pranky. The prankster himself watches them through a telescope in his tree house. However, it turns out he was looking at a photo taped to the lens, courtesy of Scoopy. Celeste then chops down the tree. Although surviving the fall, Pranky's telescope has been lodged into his head. Russell pulls it out, along with his eye and a portion of his brain.

A one-eyed Pranky awakens in a hospital ward, next to his telescope, which is still attached to his eye and brain. It suddenly "looks" at him, causing Pranky to scream.


"Your outlook depends on your actions."


  1. Celeste pulls her eye out.
  2. Russell is blinded by a lighthouse and nearly drowns.
  3. Pranky's eye and brain are pulled out.


  • This was planned to be a HTF Break, but it was made longer.
  • Pranky was originally supposed to die.
  • Pranky's injury is similar to Cuddles' death in Strain Kringle.