Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

To Bee or not to Bee is episode 1 ofHappy Tree Friends Reloaded.


Actrice becomes an actress, but gets under lots of act-stress.


Actrice is holding a script of Shakespear's Hamlet, and starts practicing it outside. Meanwhile, Growl is angrily eating cereal. A bee comes into his house, so he swats at it and yells. He throws his newspaper at the beehive, and it falls and falls and falls... Back with Actrice, she is almost finished with the script when the beehive lands on the skull she is holding and breaks it. She sees the beehive and drops it, witch angers the bees. They attack her, and she dives right into a river. Unfortunately, a big rock was in the water and she hit her head on it. Her body lays on the rock, and the bees swarm at it. The rock, Actrice and the bees fall off a waterfall. Actrice lands safely on the ground, and gets up. The rock crushes her entire body, killing her and (most of) the bees. Back at Growl's house, Growl is watching TV grumpily. A bee flies into his mouth, and he starts choking, with an iris in on him ending the episode.
